Site Announcements

系統維護公告(System Maintenance Notice) - 1/21 21:00 ~ 1/22 1:00

by 網站 管理員 -




Dear teachers and students,

The Office of Information Technology is scheduled to perform routine security updates for all servers starting at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, January 21st. The updates are expected to be completed by 1:00 AM on Wednesday, January 22nd.
During this time, the website will also undergo system updates and maintenance. We kindly request that you refrain from using this service during the specified period to avoid any inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service hotline at 1999. We are committed to providing you with the best support.

Available courses

Course image Chinese conversation class
Oversea Bridging Courses

Elevate Your Daily Dialogue: Master Basic Chinese Conversations with Ease!

Course image Learning Mandarin in Pinyin
Oversea Bridging Courses

Delve into Pinyin's core principles, perfect pronunciation, and elevate your Mandarin proficiency with ease.



Course image Introduction to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
E-Learning Movement Office Full English Course

Shape a rewarding environmental career by gaining expertise of the UN SDGs and how to use them to tackle global problems.

Course image 1122Communication Soft Power for Workplace-CHENG, SHEIN YUNG(GEB)[GE131A]


1. 明瞭『職場軟功夫』的意涵、角色與效益。
2. 了解團隊運作中常見『溝通問題』的本質。
3. 熟習「用心溝通」的三重目標和實踐要領。
4. 深入瞭解三項核心品格的要義及培養途徑。
5. 嫺熟『3+1』微功夫的實踐及靈活應用。
6. 強化在職場和生活場域的溝通能力。
7. 深化團隊合作和解決問題的能力。

Course image 1122Workplace Leadership Soft Skills-HSIEH, JIANN-SHIN(IE)[IE695G]


本課程定位為線上線下混成數位學習課程,是以有心接受領導任務(例如:組長/分店長/社團幹部/…)等初階領導者為主要對象, 我們將以【用心的領導】作為主軸,深入探索【問題解決】【人際溝通】和【團隊經營】三個主題,過程中採用全腦思維的理念架構;貫穿問題本位學習的策略;交織微分複利的習慣再造概念;融滲信望愛三德與相關品格元素,用來培養『職場領導力』。




  1. 認識職場的生態並體認軟實力的意涵
  2. 發現領導在團隊運作中的角色與功能
  3. 活用全腦思維概念在團隊領導之中
  4. 嫺熟活用「三一微功夫」在各種領導情境中
  5. 明白信望愛三德在領導中的實踐要領
  6. 強化在職場和生活場域的領導能力
  7. 深化團隊經營和解決問題的能力









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